Looking for a Freelance Writer? Here's Why You Should Choose...well..Me
In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses and individuals alike are always looking for talented writers who can help them create compelling content. Excellent writing is essential to stand out from the competition, whether it's a blog post, an article, or a product description. That's where I come in! As a freelance writer with years of experience, I can help you take your content to the next level.
Short CV coming up
Before I started to freelance, I was an in-house writer and manager of the content team at Spaces. Responsible for writing catchy slogans, brochures, blog posts and newsletters. But not just that, content is more than just writing, so I also dabbed in creative direction by supervising photoshoots and videos. For the last four years, I've worked independently for international brands like Oilily, bloomon, and Marie-Stella-Maris and for corporations like Edge Technology & Workspaces, We Are Keen and BlueMovement. I've done everything from translations to social copy to editing tenders or sales-savvy blog posts.
Serving specials
Your specialities: As a freelance writer for the last four years, I can tell you that I've found my niche in copywriting, content marketing and creative writing. Preferably in two languages, Dutch and English. And preferably for sustainable brands and corporations. It's just easier to write for companies with a purpose.
Fresh copy, fast delivery
It may sound silly, but I only work with people I like. Not that we have to become friends, but there should be some connection. Some friendly banter is highly appreciated. I need to be able to connect with you and your brand. The first contact is usually by email, a DM or a phone call. Clients based in Amsterdam are easy to visit, but that doesn't mean I won't travel elsewhere. Once the briefing is clear, and the quote is agreed upon, I work independently. I've yet had a client ask me to work in their office, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. Work is delivered on time, and after the first draft, I edit and subsequently deliver the final product. Clients usually praise me for producing high-quality work on time and within budget.
The proof is in the pudding portfolio The best way to showcase my work is by showcasing my work. Like, duh! So I invite you to check out the websites of Edge Workspaces, Frendly Amsterdam, or We Are Keen. Of course, you can also read this blog about a clean home and mind for Marie-Stella-Maris, learn more about bio-based diapers at Toddy or shop the new collection at Oilily. These are just a few samples of my most recent work. My blogs and interviews are regularly updated to keep my writing skills sharp.
Let's talk I'm just a girl standing in front of a brand asking you to choose me. You can always contact me to see if we hit it off and if you want a no-frills quote or more info on my way of working.